Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Joe Biden, Russian Oil and America's Shame


I watched Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address last night. Yes, unbelievably, I watched the whole speech… hoping.  However, I was disappointed and saddened.

The speech was filled with what I consider to be ‘glittering generalities’ and platitudes, laced with downright misrepresentations. Dare I say lies? Oh, I know he did not write the speech, perhaps didn’t even understand most of it; but I was nonetheless hopeful.

Why did I bother? Well, I was hoping that he would say that the United States would be cutting back or eliminating the purchase of Russian oil. Currently, the U.S. imports approximately twenty million barrels a month from Russia. Nonetheless, in the infinite wisdom of his key advisors, the Russian imports will continue, and the American dollars will be crated on pallets and sent to Russia – in part to finance the atrocities in Ukraine.

Fellow Americans:  When we gas-up our cars, let us hang our heads in shame.


True Nelson

Monday, January 31, 2022

The National Debt... It's not funny anymore.


The National Debt:  Well, here we go.  Who am I to address such a monumental, incomprehensible problem?  I’m nobody when it comes to this issue.  But, nonetheless, I have my thoughts and forecasts (for what it’s worth).

The National Debt is at 30 trillion dollars and growing.  If you’re like most of us, you might be thinking that ‘we’ (whoever that is) will, at some point, need to pay the money back.  OK, currently that's about $300,000 for every American tax payer.

To whom do we owe that money?  Until recently, I thought the debt was principally owed to other countries like China, Japan, etc.  However, interestingly, most of it is owed to the Social Security System (yes, our Social Security), as well as numerous American pension plans.  Well, isn’t that interesting.

If it had been China or some other country, we could possibly (out of necessity) say: ‘We’re not going to pay you back; and you can’t make us.’  But, that’s not going to work.  Really too childish and could cause international hard-feelings.  Therefore, let's face it, American citizens are principally on the hook to pay it back… one way or another.

Of note:  The last President to decrease the National Debt was Calvin Coolidge 1923-1929.  Since 1929 the National Debt has increased exponentially.  The interest owed on the debt alone is shocking, overwhelming and nearly incomprehensible.

So, what do I think will happen?  The National Debt, let’s face it, will never be paid off – except and unless the US Treasury prints enough valueless paper money to pay it down.  Of course, this will cause uncontrollable inflation.  Welcome to Venezuela.  Make sure you have a wheelbarrow, to carry the money required, if you’re planning on going to the market.

Other possible option:  cataclysmic events that we do not even want to think about.

Perhaps the most likely, the Federal Government will simply ‘welch’ on any pay back to those pension plans to include the Social Security System.  What does that mean?  Ten cents on the dollar?  Your guess is as good as mine.

Some might opine that, 'It's not my problem... I will be gone by then.'  Referring to when the debt comes due.. one way or another.  Yes, I kind of understand where you're coming from.  However, before you exit stage left, why don't you sit down and explain to your grandchildren how you're leaving them holding the check.  Something to remember about you - so to speak.


True Nelson

Friday, December 31, 2021

December 31, 2021 / A Veteran Died Today


December 31, 1946 is the official date for the ending of World War II


“Presidential Proclamation 2714 (61 Stat. 1048) was signed by President Harry S. Truman on December 31, 1946, to officially declare the cessation of all hostilities in World War II.”

I was thinking about this.  I was thinking about the thinning ranks of all the World War II veterans.  That period is often referred to as ‘The Greatest Generation.’  The designation applies to not only the veterans (who we should all honor), but also to the civilian population that sacrificed so much to win the War… particularly the grieving families of the soldiers, seaman, and airmen who never returned.

But that was then and this is now.  It makes one wonder if that revered generation is the last ‘great’ generation for this United States.  That said...

The following poem came to mind.

He was getting old and paunchy
And his hair was falling fast,
And he sat around the Legion,
Telling stories of the past.,

Of a war that he once fought in
And the deeds that he had done,
In his exploits with his buddies;
They were heroes, every one.

And 'tho sometimes to his neighbors
His tales became a joke,
All his buddies listened quietly
For they knew where of he spoke.

But we'll hear his tales no longer,
For ol' Joe has passed away,
And the world's a little poorer
For a Veteran died today.

He won't be mourned by many,
Just his children and his wife.
For he lived an ordinary,
Very quiet sort of life.

He held a job and raised a family,
Going quietly on his way;
And the world won't note his passing,
'Tho a Veteran died today.

When politicians leave this earth,
Their bodies lie in state,
While thousands note their passing,
And proclaim that they were great.

Papers tell of their life stories
From the time that they were young,
But the passing of a Veteran
Goes unnoticed, and unsung.

Is the greatest contribution
To the welfare of our land,
Some jerk who breaks his promise
And cons his fellow man?

Or the ordinary fellow
Who in times of war and strife,
Goes off to serve his country
And offers up his life?

The politician's stipend
And the style in which he lives,
Are often disproportionate,
To the service that he gives.

While the ordinary Veteran,
Who offered up his all,
Is paid off with a medal
And perhaps a pension, small.

It is not the politicians
With their compromise and ploys,
Who won for us the freedom
That our country now enjoys.

Should you find yourself in danger,
With your enemies at hand,
Would you really want some cop-out,
With his ever-waffling stand?

Or would you want a Veteran
His home, his country, his kin,
Just a common Veteran,
Who would fight until the end.

He was just a common Veteran,
And his ranks are growing thin,
But his presence should remind us
We may need his likes again.

For when countries are in conflict,
We find the Veteran's part,
Is to clean up all the troubles
That the politicians start.

If we cannot do him honor
While he's here to hear the praise,
Then at least let's give him homage
At the ending of his days.

Perhaps just a simple headline
In the paper that might say:



Author 'Unknown

True Nelson

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Larry Gilbert Dahl, Medal of Honor Recipient, and my thoughts.

I have often wondered about such almost inconceivable acts of heroism.  What motivated him?  Was there no other option?  More importantly, would I have done the same under similar circumstances?  I, of course, will never know the answer to that.

I can imagine, as many fathers might, running in front of a speeding truck to save your child.  It almost goes without saying.  It is instinct.  It is the love of someone’s life that is more important than your own.  Perhaps, men in combat (some men) have the same feelings toward their comrades in arms.

What is courage?  What takes more courage… storming the beaches of Normandy or throwing yourself on a grenade?  Storming beaches, in a hail of gunfire and deadly explosions, certainly takes prolonged courage – and, in my opinion, a preconceived notion / belief that you will probably die, that you will never again see your family, your loved ones.  On the other hand, Dahl’s courage would manifest itself in seconds or less.

I was not in the Army or the Marine Corps.  Maybe, their personnel receive some orientation on such deadly circumstances.  Maybe, there is an honored history.  I was in the Air Force and the subject never came up, even among informal discussions with comrades.  It is conceivable that Air Force personnel could experience a similar situation, but it is unlikely.  Others in the military, I am sure, would have more insight on the instant decision required:  attempting to throw the grenade away or fall on it.  If you review the records for those who have received the Medal of Honor, many Marines and Army soldiers were awarded the MOH under remarkably similar circumstances – the last full measure of devotion to duty and honor. 

With deepest respect for Dahl’ sacrifice…

“Through his indomitable courage, complete disregard for his safety, and profound concern for his fellow soldiers, Sp4c Dahl saved the lives of the other members of the truck crew while sacrificing his own.”



True Nelson


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Some Things are Hard to Keep Inside...


Forgive me if I use this blog as an emotional outlet. Some things are hard to just keep inside. Watching the news sometimes seems like slow torture. Yes, I watch too much.

What is happening to our country? This question is overly generalized and rhetorical I suppose – some might consider it an old man’s statement and… here it comes… are 'America’s best days behind us?'

For example:  undocumented immigrants streaming across our southern border.  And Biden and his administration seem to ignore the harmful, even disastrous, implications.  While common sense tells us that the situation, if unchecked, will degrade, potentially destroy our country. So, what is going on? What is the sense of it? What is the justification? Is Biden so impaired he fails to see that this tide of immigrants will undermine the quality of life for US citizens? Cannot he see the cost of the services required to assimilate these illegals; as well as potentially criminal elements? Does he care about current citizens? The answer of course is probably not… he does not really care. But why…

Let us see:

1)     Many major players in the US economy will benefit from the open borders and the hoped for ‘cheap’ labor. Such as the giant agriculture operations, processing plants and product distributors. The service industry, the hotel / motel business is a good example – again cheap labor. And, we can include construction jobs that normally are hard to fill involving difficult, sometimes dangerous jobs; and exist under very competitive labor cost situations.  They are jobs that most Americans are unwilling to do – too hard, too dangerous, too low paid.

2)     Other than the above corporate / business profit makers (assuredly the big political doners); what is in it for the Biden Administration? Well, they of course are counting on the immigrants being steadfast Democrats – which is the ultimate game. To be a politician, inherently, their first priority is:  What’s in it for me? Have you ever wondered how many politicians become multi-millionaires on a government paycheck?


Relevant (I am not sure) but I would like to relate some of my experience:

For two years, in the military, I lived in the Philippines (Angeles City) right outside Clark AFB. Being a junior officer, my wife and I were required to live ‘off-base.’  What was that like:  Well, on the positive side (at least for us), we had a live-in housekeeper / maid. We had a ‘yard boy’ that kept our home exterior in pristine condition. How did we afford such things on a Lieutenant’s salary? Well, that was because the maid’s normal living conditions were so abysmal, that she preferred living with us in an extra room. We paid her the normal rates that were better than the employment she could find elsewhere. The ‘yard boy,’ who was not a boy, but a young man trying to survive, was very appreciative of the job and what we paid. Did my wife and I feel a little guilty? Yes, of course we did. We both came from very middle-class homes. But this was the Philippines.

OK, what was the neighborhood you lived in like? It was kind of nice. However, it was totally surrounded by a 10’ wall with (literally) broken glass imbedded in the top of the wall. We had armed guards that patrolled the complex 24 hours a day. And the gate to the community, had two guards (armed with shotguns) that checked everyone in and out of the complex. I could go on. But, you get the picture.

And, about now you are asking:  What is the relevance?


My point is that, potentially, this is what our country can and will become unless we have secure borders. It will become the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots.’  The ‘haves’ will live in gated communities with guards.

And, what about the ‘have-nots,’ that are most Americans. They will be discriminated against, victimized, and forgotten. Think about it folks before it is too late to go back. The United States of America is the greatest country the world has ever known. Please, please, let us try and keep it.

True Nelson


“Let not anyone pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than those good men should look on and do nothing.

He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.

John Stuart Mill / 1867

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

General Mark Milley; Kabul, Afghanistan … FUBAR

This is hard to think about; the tragic and stumbling withdrawal from Afghanistan resulting in the needless death and injury to US military personnel.  One feels incredibly sad (and angry) for the families.  This shouldn’t have happened.  Inept leadership was responsible.

What can one say?  Will General Mark Milley write a letter to the families of those who died?  Doubtful.  That duty will be forced on some ‘underling.’  And, if absolutely required, a machine or an NCO will sign Milley’s name.  Will he admit that he oversaw and directed one of the worst fiascos in military history?  And, that as a result, admit failure, do the honorable thing, and retire?  Doubtful?  Will he be given another meaningless medal to pin on his vastly overstuffed uniform?  Probably.  Will he accept it and consider the medal a great honor, earned honorably?  Yes, without doubt.

As they say in the military, the evacuation was FUBAR*.

What can one say about the President?  Who, might I ask, is in the background propping him up and scripting his speeches?  I noticed he had to remind us once again that his older son served in Afghanistan.  Reminded us I suppose (how could we possibly forget it) to lend a note of empathy to the families that lost loved ones in this tragedy.  How dare he?  Perhaps, we should also recall that his younger son was kicked out of the military for drug abuse.

And when the ‘festivities’ begin, the hollow speeches and other nonsense transpires on September 11th 2021 – let us hang our heads in shame.

As a personal aside, I wanted to add an experience I had in the military – nothing like what I talked about above, nothing like that – just a vignette from my life.  I was a lowly Air Force Lieutenant on temporary assignment to Chu Lai, Vietnam.  It was 1968, shortly after Tet.  I was having lunch at a table in the chow hall and a Marine Major sat down with his lunch, saying “Mind if I join you?”  I said, “No Sir that’s fine” as I stood up.  He said, “sit Lieutenant.”

This was a Marine base, and he asked why I was there?  I explained we were delivering updated tactical communications and navaids equipment to the flight line – that it’s now operational, and that we have almost completed revetting.  It became clear that he principally wanted to lecture me on the many differences between the Marine Corp and the Air Force.  I listened but didn’t say much.  One comment stuck with me.  “You know Lieutenant, if you were a Marine, I could send you to attack a hill with your unit – knowing full well that you and your guys would probably all be killed in the effort – and not think twice about it.”  I didn’t respond, other than “Yes Sir.”  As the years have passed, I always remembered a part of his lecture… ‘and not think twice about it.’  I wonder…  Is this the nature of military officers who ultimately become Generals?

True Nelson

*Military acronym meaning:  F..ked-Up Beyond All Reason or Repair.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Washington DC's Capitol Police to open Field Offices in California and Florida

Recently, it was interesting to note that the Washington D.C. Capitol Police was opening Field Offices in California and Florida - with reportedly other offices to follow.  The purpose or jurisdictional authority of this expansion was vaguely described.  Something to do with monitoring the 'illegal' trafficking of guns' and 'protection of Congress.'

This reported enforcement authority, outside Washington DC proper, already falls under the jurisdiction of local, state and federal law enforcement agencies to include the FBI, the ATF, and US Marshals.  Then why would the Capitol Police be expanding their authority outside the Washington DC area?

Looks more like a smokescreen.  New gun laws might be on the horizon to include universal gun registration, licensing and associated fees.  Can selective confiscation be far behind?

True Nelson

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Memorial Day May 31st, 2021 – Col. John McCrae “In Flanders Fields…”


Memorial Day is the day we honor those soldiers, sailors and airmen who gave their lives to preserve the freedom all of us enjoy.  As we go about our everyday lives, celebrate but don’t forget the reason for Memorial Day.  A moment of remembrance and thankful prayer would be appropriate.

“In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row or row

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing,

Fly Scarce heard amid the guns below.


We are the dead.  Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved,

And now we lie in Flanders fields.


Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch be yours to hold it high.


If you break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow,

In Flanders field."

                        Col John McCrae


On May 1, 1915, World War I, Canadian Lt. Col. John McCrae’s close friend was killed in combat.  On the 3rd of May, Crae drafted the most famous war memorial poem ever written – In Flanders Fields.

True Nelson

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Desecration of the American Flag

I am not sure what to make of the many troubling current events.

All ‘Whites’ are said to be systemically ‘racist’; right?  You know what, I’m beginning to resent that preposterous implication.  And I particularly resent the Democratic Party operatives consistently telling me that is the case.

However, if that is theoretically true, should we presume we are labeled at birth?  Brain-washed as toddlers?  This is a concept (a psychosis) that many others would wish us to accept practically unquestioned.  It really is crazy.  It seems our society is slowly sinking into the mud.

Main Topic:  I’m sick and tired of those (too many) ‘individuals’ (withholding a more accurate designation for them) burning and disrespecting the American flag. I can accept quite a lot.  If they want to destroy downtown Portland, and City administrators consider it ‘peaceful protests,' go for it.  I do not live there.  It is too bad in a way, because Portland used to be a beautiful city and great place to live.

But when you desecrate the American flag; the same flag that so many men and women have died to preserve, well that’s a bridge too far in my opinion.  You have spit on the sacrifices of men and women far better than you will ever be.  And one day, at the end of your days, you will understand; and you will be tortured by your ignorance.  You will hang your head in shame.  And, for those who will have known you, it will be your legacy.  You will not be missed.

Americans who believe in the United States of America, the greatest country the world has ever known, should show the American flag.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if flags flew from every front porch?  And, moreover, Black Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans please join us.  It is your country too.

 True Nelson

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Racism in America… We all Want to be Heard


We all need outlets that do not involve destroying property, calling people names, desecrating the American Flag; or even on a more civilized level, quarreling with family or friends.  This is my outlet.  I write…  Who reads it?  I suppose that aspect does not really matter a whole lot.

My topic for today is Race Relations:

Doesn’t it seem that Race relations in the U.S. are getting worse, not better?  Where is all this going?  How will it end?  Can we just look away when stores and businesses, as well as government buildings and monuments, are destroyed; parts of cities taken over by criminals?   Is it time to choose sides?  Does violence beget more violence?  Or do we shelter in place – hoping our lives will not be affected?  

Don’t you think that we might be being manipulated?   There is a strong possibility that what is occurring (the demonstrations, the property destruction, the anger, the deaths) are being purposely promoted by outside forces with goals that have little or nothing to do with racial equality?  More likely power and money - that’s my belief.

Does anyone (apparently there are many) who believe that Democrats care more about African Americans than Republicans.?  Really, the Democratic Party (the Party represented by Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy) defeated by Union Forces (under Abraham Lincoln - Republican).  The Democratic Party that promoted ‘Jim Crow’ prejudice and discrimination against African Americans for a hundred plus years after the Civil War.  If Blacks or other minorities believe this – well, what can I say – it is kind of hard to understand.  It appears the Black population has apparently forgiven the Democratic Party (even its off shoot the Klu Klux Klan) for their past sins.   It is truly remarkable.   Of course, that forgiveness has been purchased with social welfare programs and hollow promises, in exchange for votes – but not a better life.

If this continues, Blacks and Whites will be divided to the point that any reconciliation will take decades.  Racial color blindness will become an unachievable goal.  Is this the goal of those who encourage and promote the divide?  Is this about ‘divide and conquer?’  Or maybe divide and make irrelevant.

Racial equality will be achieved with ‘school choice;’ and promoting (through whatever means possible) Black family units, and creating jobs, as well as educational opportunities through actual ‘equality’, not ‘equity’ (equity is synonymous with ‘fairness’, but has been misinterpreted, justified, and implemented with quotas) – and, in my opinion, an insulting, degrading promise to all African Americans, as well as certain other disadvantaged minorities.  It invariably and falsely labels those individuals as underachievers and professionally inferior throughout their subsequent careers and lives.

My parents used to say that ‘life isn’t fair – it’s up to you.’  I have always believed that – and examples are all around us.  I was not born rich or particularly privileged.  Nonetheless, my belief has always been, since I was old enough to understand, that I won the lottery when I was born in the United States of America.  The rest was up to me.

Morgan Freeman probably said it best… 

“How do we stop Racism?  Stop talking about it.  I am going to stop calling you a white man.  And, I’m going to ask you to stop calling me a black man.”

True Nelson


Thursday, March 25, 2021

President Joe Biden's First Official Press Briefing / and my prediction for 2024

President Joe Biden gave his first official press briefing today.  How did he do?  Well, I didn’t watch the whole thing, but I guess he did OK – expectations were on the low side to start with.

It was scripted of course.  He called on preselected reporters, about six or eight.  No surprise, but Fox News was not one of the reporters selected.  However, it should be noted that there was a winner in the ‘dumbest question’ competition.

One reporter (she actually has a job as a journalist for a major news agency) was:

“Do you plan on running for re-election in 2024?”  And the follow-up, “Will Kamala Harris be on the ticket with you.”  What was Biden’s answer: “That is my expectation.”

All the things going on in this country and the world – AND, this is all said ‘professional journalist’ could come up with!  Talk about a ‘soft ball,’ inane question.

Some of the other questions were so rambling and convoluted that they left Biden the opportunity to answer just a portion; with what I would describe as ‘glittering generalities.’

Which brings me to my prediction for the Presidential election in 2024 – a prediction that practically no one is particularly interested in; but I will give it anyway.

President Biden will not run in 2024.  He will resign for ‘reported’ health reasons in 2023 – and VP Harris will assume the Presidency.  This will give her the opportunity to complete Biden’s term, and still be eligible to run in 2024 and 2028 – which will give her (potentially) ten (10) years as President of the United States.

God help us…


True Nelson

Monday, January 11, 2021

The 2020 Presidential Election is Over and Donald Trump Lost


Well, the election is over, and Trump is apparently (hopefully) now moving toward a smooth transition to the Biden administration.

I have some thoughts… 

Do I feel the election was ‘fair and honest?’  I do not.  Although, as something of a qualifier, I think the Presidential and most other elections are never entirely fair and honest.  This Presidential election was on the low side of fairness and honesty.  Oh, I think that Oregon does pretty well, but some states, some municipalities, are renowned for political corruption.  Chicago and New York are just two examples.  Perhaps, we should now include San Francisco and Los Angeles. The Covid-19 pandemic suddenly produced all kinds of opportunities to cheat.  And some states and many cities took full advantage.  My humble opinion.

Who voted for Biden?

1)       Of course, there is always a ‘guaranteed’ Democratic voting bloc, such as the public employee unions.  Although police unions overwhelmingly voted for Trump – for obvious reasons.

2)       There are many minorities and those in the lowest economic strata (hoping the Democratic social assistance programs will be more generous).

3)       There are those in certain upper classes (like the entertainment industry, tech executives, the political hierarchy, etc. -- who quite frankly, in my opinion, do not really give a damn about honesty or fairness – but do what best promotes their careers, or the ultimate – more money.  And, in fact, they have convinced themselves that they know what is best for all the ‘little people.’  That is the rest of us.

4)      Those in academia, principally professors in elite schools and their newly indoctrinated graduates.

5)       In some cases, voting Democratic is just a generational thing – it runs in the family – it is what their friends and neighbors are doing, and they just want to get along, avoid conflict.

6)      And there are those who just ‘can’t stand’ (an understatement) Donald Trump because he is not a nice person (various expletives deleted).  OK, I sort of get this… but;  I think that if most of us knew, personally, a high-ranking politician, particularly the President, we would have the opinion that he or she is not ‘a nice person.’  Hypocrisy and being something of an ‘ass’ are probably some of the main qualifications leading to success in politics.  Moreover, being nice does not always, hardly ever, equates with being a good leader.  How so?  Consider General George Patton, one hell of a good leader in WWII.  He wasn’t, reportedly, a very nice man under most circumstances. Well, you say that is the military, that’s different.  Actually, it is not so different.  The President is the Commander in Chief of all the military branches.  He is the ultimate leader.

Who voted for Trump?

Many of those individuals, considering the most recent rioting at the Capitol, (understandably) do not necessarily care to admit it?

That said...

1)      Not all, but mostly those not falling in the categories above.

2)      Many religious people, particularly those opposed to the perennial issue – unfettered abortion.

3)      Police and other emergency services, who work in the ‘front lines.’

4)      The military, particularly those returning home from pointless deployments and conflicts in the Middle East.

5)      Those whose occupations and lives were improved by the President’s policies of ‘America First.’

6)      Those in more rural areas, ordinary folks, who believe in family, hard work, and church.  Many who reside, (my opinion) in ‘The Heartland’ and continue to revere our ‘Founding Fathers’ and our Flag.

7)      Those who believe strongly in the Second Amendment – those who could and would quote for you the Amendment verbatim.  Even are prepared to fight for it.

8)      Those who voted against Biden for various, and mostly, straightforward opinions:  Weak leader, too old to handle the job (I can say this because I am almost as old).  He has demonstrated in the past he is a weak leader, easily manipulated by others.   More recently, the Hunter Biden issue that was hidden for months, from much of the public, by a biased news media and an oddly reticent FBI.  It appears that not only Hunter was involved, but also the new President’s brother and the President himself.  It also appears that the Biden family has profited fabulously selling the Biden name for political influence - around the world – including to China, a principal adversary of the United States.

The election is over, and Biden won, let us move on.  Well, perhaps, more clearly stated is the election is over and Trump lost.  He is and always has been his worst enemy.  In my opinion, he accomplished many good things for the country; but his legacy has been irreparably damaged.  History likely will not be kind to him.  And probably, correctly so.

True Nelson