Saturday, November 12, 2022

Oregon Election Results (2022) - Disappointing


The results of the recent election (2022) were a little surprising to me and somewhat disappointing.  It seems the good old US of A is continuing to trend downward – just my opinion.  With the Democrats still apparently hanging on to the catbird’s seat – assuming they take the Senate as is anticipated – we can look forward to more crime, more illegal drugs, more illegal immigration, higher inflation, unrestricted abortions up to the moment of birth, and more socialism promulgated.  Incidentally, Oregon passed, what is considered to be, the strictest gun control measures in the country.  Is gun registration the prelude to confiscation?  Perhaps.

That said, it appears that everyone, with the possible exception of 'the ordinary' Oregon citizen, got something – perhaps the repercussions are yet to be known.  I’m trying to be circumspect about the situation.  I was but a wee babe when WWII ended.  In life, I had good parents and grandparents, many good friends, and received a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree at a price I could swing while I worked full time.  Furthermore, I have had a wonderful wife of more than 50 years and, all things considered, a good life.  All I can say is ‘good luck’ Oregon.  You’ll need it.

One more thing, I believe there is the underlying issue of Donald Trump – his influence on the 2022 election and his apparent intention to run for President again.  I don’t believe his participation was particularly helpful this election.  I am hopeful that he will not run in 2024; and if he does (regardless of his Democratic opponent) I think he will lose.  I voted for him the first time… or perhaps I voted against Hillary Clinton.. perhaps both.  And I think Trump was a pretty good President; but his time has passed.

True Nelson