Sunday, April 11, 2021

Racism in America… We all Want to be Heard


We all need outlets that do not involve destroying property, calling people names, desecrating the American Flag; or even on a more civilized level, quarreling with family or friends.  This is my outlet.  I write…  Who reads it?  I suppose that aspect does not really matter a whole lot.

My topic for today is Race Relations:

Doesn’t it seem that Race relations in the U.S. are getting worse, not better?  Where is all this going?  How will it end?  Can we just look away when stores and businesses, as well as government buildings and monuments, are destroyed; parts of cities taken over by criminals?   Is it time to choose sides?  Does violence beget more violence?  Or do we shelter in place – hoping our lives will not be affected?  

Don’t you think that we might be being manipulated?   There is a strong possibility that what is occurring (the demonstrations, the property destruction, the anger, the deaths) are being purposely promoted by outside forces with goals that have little or nothing to do with racial equality?  More likely power and money - that’s my belief.

Does anyone (apparently there are many) who believe that Democrats care more about African Americans than Republicans.?  Really, the Democratic Party (the Party represented by Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy) defeated by Union Forces (under Abraham Lincoln - Republican).  The Democratic Party that promoted ‘Jim Crow’ prejudice and discrimination against African Americans for a hundred plus years after the Civil War.  If Blacks or other minorities believe this – well, what can I say – it is kind of hard to understand.  It appears the Black population has apparently forgiven the Democratic Party (even its off shoot the Klu Klux Klan) for their past sins.   It is truly remarkable.   Of course, that forgiveness has been purchased with social welfare programs and hollow promises, in exchange for votes – but not a better life.

If this continues, Blacks and Whites will be divided to the point that any reconciliation will take decades.  Racial color blindness will become an unachievable goal.  Is this the goal of those who encourage and promote the divide?  Is this about ‘divide and conquer?’  Or maybe divide and make irrelevant.

Racial equality will be achieved with ‘school choice;’ and promoting (through whatever means possible) Black family units, and creating jobs, as well as educational opportunities through actual ‘equality’, not ‘equity’ (equity is synonymous with ‘fairness’, but has been misinterpreted, justified, and implemented with quotas) – and, in my opinion, an insulting, degrading promise to all African Americans, as well as certain other disadvantaged minorities.  It invariably and falsely labels those individuals as underachievers and professionally inferior throughout their subsequent careers and lives.

My parents used to say that ‘life isn’t fair – it’s up to you.’  I have always believed that – and examples are all around us.  I was not born rich or particularly privileged.  Nonetheless, my belief has always been, since I was old enough to understand, that I won the lottery when I was born in the United States of America.  The rest was up to me.

Morgan Freeman probably said it best… 

“How do we stop Racism?  Stop talking about it.  I am going to stop calling you a white man.  And, I’m going to ask you to stop calling me a black man.”

True Nelson


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