A considerable time has passed since my last blog post. I'm discouraged, even kind of sad. It is as if this country is transforming, declining before my eyes. And, it is not a pretty site. Some friends, some family (not all of course, just a few) have expressed the viewpoint that I've become (or are becoming) some sort of disagreeable 'old timer'; and that, in one way or another, maybe unknowingly, I am often referring to the 'good ole days.' Even though, in my apparently antiquated opinion, those 'good ole days' are in fact behind us.
Life never was perfect, often hard for many; but comparatively speaking, we had laws that were enforced. We didn't have the massive numbers of homeless, drug addicted, and what one might accurately describe as 'every conceivable variety of criminal imaginable roaming our streets.'
I live near Portland, Oregon. Not too many years back, Portland was a beautiful and welcoming city. It isn't any more. People are leaving in droves. Did you know that the population of Portland has declined the past three years; and that this rush to the door is the first time it has occurred in Portland's history. Those that can are packing their bags. I, too, will eventually move on one way or another.
As a former FBI Agent, I think I can say, with some insight, that 'said agency' has been politically corrupted by Christopher Wray and his entrenched supporters. Those who serve him should hang your heads in shame. 'Take a knee to the woke.' 'Agents have you no self-respect, no pride?'
I encourage anyone who happens upon this post to read (and buy) Victor Davis Hanson's new book... The Dying Citizen. It's not a particularly easy read, but it is a wealth of information that every 'decent citizen' should read and open their minds to understand. Get your high-lighter out, and make some notes as you read, you will become a better 'informed citizen.'
True Nelson