Thursday, February 12, 2015

Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber; and Where’s Waldo? (I mean the FBI)

Governor John Kitzhaber indicated he would resign on Tuesday; but changed his mind on Wednesday.  Pressure is increasing for him to get on with it and complete the former.  The public corruption matter is becoming more and more evident involving Kitzhaber and his girlfriend Cylvia Hayes, aka ‘The First Lady.’

But, moving on, do you know the answer to the following?

What is the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s current policy / directives concerning ‘Public Corruption?’  Well, here’s what they have to say about that.

“It’s our top priority among criminal investigations—and for good reason.
Public corruption poses a fundamental threat to our national security and way of life. It impacts everything from how well our borders are secured and our neighborhoods protected…to verdicts handed down in courts…to the quality of our roads, schools, and other government services. And it takes a significant toll on our pocketbooks, wasting billions in tax dollars every year.
The FBI is singularly situated to combat this corruption, with the skills and capabilities to run complex undercover operations and surveillance.”

So why haven’t we heard anything from the FBI regarding the Kitzhaber / Hayes imbroglio?

Here are my suggested answers to the above:

  1. The Portland FBI administration / supervisory staff have apparently assumed a non-aggressive position in public corruption cases; preferring, instead, to pursue less politically charged inquiries – a ‘let’s wait and see’ position whereupon they can jump in at the last – the fait accompli so to speak – and grab their share of the recognition (glory).  Any prosecution or forced resignation of a Governor would be a very important addition to their ‘stats’ and a feather in the cap of the SAC.
  2. The Portland FBI does not act with total independence.  Anything they do, regarding such a high-profile inquiry, would require FBI HQ authorization.  Headquarters might have their own concerns.  This is not a typical case for the Bureau.  They may feel that ‘we risk nothing,’ by waiting.
  3. And, of course, the FBI is part of the Justice Department; and must answer to Eric Holder, the President’s ‘aide-de-camp’ (sometimes referred to as the Attorney General).  Said individual, Mr. Holder, is probably not too anxious to go after a Democratic Governor and/or his girlfriend – especially in a State that is so consistently ‘Blue.’

True Nelson

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