Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Aaron L. Hodges / Nordstrom Employee / Intelligent, Articulate, and all-around swell guy.

Aaron L. Hodges:

I have to restrain myself from saying what I would really like to say about this individual.

He was recently fired from Nordstrom’s in Portland for posting on Facebook what normal, decent people would consider one of the most hateful, distasteful, stupid and racist statements imaginable.

He wrote:  “Instead of slamming the police, I prefer a Kenny Fort approach.  Every time an unarmed black man is killed, you kill a decorated white officer, on his door step in front of his family.”  (Actually Hodges was referring to Jeff Fort)

According to The Oregonian article 12/17/14, Hodges stated that the comment was taken out of context and that he didn’t actually mean for it to be literally interpreted.

OK, I understand.  And, if I was to say that Hodges was a moron, I am not inferring that he is literally a moron - he is, however, a moron, figuratively speaking.

Nordstrom’s did ask Hodges to seek work elsewhere.  I'm sure they were very polite about it.  Nordstrom’s is, after all, a responsible employer in our community.  And very accommodating too.  According to the Oregonian, Hodges had been previously convicted for Assault, Forgery, and “eight counts of manufacturing and delivering drugs.”

Nordstrom’s employment philosophy is, apparently, that everyone deserves a second, third, fourth, perhaps a fifth chance.  Makes one wonder where Mr. Hodges was working at Nordstrom’s.  He’d be a good fit for HR, or even the Accounting Department.

Oh, yes, and who exactly is Jeff Fort?

Per Wikipedia:  “Jeff Fort is a former Chicago gang leader.  Fort was convicted of drug trafficking in 1983 and sentenced to 13 years in prison. He is currently serving a 155 year prison sentence after being convicted of terrorism conspiracy in 1987 for plotting to commit attacks inside the U.S. in exchange for weapons and $2.5 million from Libya.”

True Nelson

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