Sunday, December 21, 2014

Protesters Share Responsibility for Murder of New York PD Officers

I’m not going to mince words here.  The New York protesters that walked the streets chanting, “What do you want?  Dead Cops!  When do you want it?  Now!” are in large part responsible for the assassination of the two New York City Police Officers, Rafael Ramos and Wenjin Lin.

And to those protesters, I say:  ‘Don’t try and rationalize it.  You brought this on and you are responsible.  This is part of your life’s legacy.  This is the shame you have brought on your families.  There is nothing you can do or say, at this point, that will in any way absolve you from blame or shame.  Please just do us all a favor and slink back to your pathetic, meaningless lives.’

I just want the New York PD and the officers’ families, to know that many of us, most of us, throughout this country, morn their loss.  It was so unnecessary and tragic.

And, as for your mayor, Bill de Blasio, what can I say?  The majority of New Yorkers voted for him.

A sad note for this holiday season.

True Nelson

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