Thursday, August 8, 2019

August 17th, Demonstration in Portland, Strong Police Presence, "Mass Arrests" Possible

I haven’t written anything recently in my blog.  Everything these days is about politics and our society is so divided – especially in the Portland Metro area – that, well, if you have any opinion on almost anything, particularly in support of the President or conservatism, it could be construed by a friend, or even a family member, as offensive.  And, in some instances, with certain people, it could be downright fighting words.  Portland is a liberal stronghold – no doubt about that.

Probably a surprise to some who know me, I want to give my compliments to Portland’s Mayor, Ted Wheeler and Portland Police Bureau Chief, Danielle Outlaw.  (Although somewhat guarded compliments I suppose).  Apparently, they have stated they will tolerate no violence or criminality during the forthcoming “gathering” of demonstrators on August 17th in downtown Portland.  “The mayor issued a strong repudiation of instigators” of violence.  And, additionally stated there would be a “strong police presence” with “mass arrests” if required.  (Quotes from the Portland Oregonian, August 7th).  Good for Mayor Wheeler and Chief Outlaw.

I have a feeling that the tough talk and new police tactics should be principally credited to the insistence of the Chief, rather than the Mayor's idea; but what do I know?  The new tactics are a bit late (in my opinion) because, at the last demonstration (riot), left-wing demonstrators (believed to be Antifa) seriously injured a conservative writer, Andy Ngo – brain hemorrhage requiring hospitalization I understand. Not sure any arrests were made – demonstrators are allowed to wear masks (not kidding).  I’m guessing that Wheeler and Outlaw decided that they better take charge and do something - before someone gets killed.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed that August 17th will be peaceful. 

True Nelson 

Thursday, June 6, 2019

This is my Tribute / June 6, 2019 / to the World War II Vets / Thank you and God Bless

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." 
                                                               John Stuart Mill (1806 - 1873) 

Battle of Normandy / Operation Overlord / D-Day 
Battle of the Bulge 
Battle of Okinawa 
Battle of Midway

And so many other places, some forgotten by history... 

 True Nelson

Saturday, May 18, 2019

True’s Miscellany: Corporation Taxes / Good or Bad / Sounds kind of boring, I know.

Recently, the State of Oregon passed a new tax on corporations (allegedly) to fund schools.  First, I have my doubts that the schools will see many of those dollars.  Most of the dollars will probably go to the general fund and to shore-up the grossly underfunded and poorly managed PERS program (Public Employee Retirement System). 

But... The subject is about taxing corporations.  Why am I discussing this?  Yes, I know it doesn’t seem to fit with my blog’s theme.  I suppose it’s timely, and anyway it was just on my mind this evening.

Politicians (whom, as I’ve said before, I hold in very low esteem) like to spin this new tax like it’s pretty much money from heaven with no strings attached.

Well, to answer the question as to whether or not taxing corporations is a good thing or a bad thing, it is neither.  It’s just another tax.  But please understand... 

Corporations do not pay taxes and they never have paid taxes!  People pay taxes.

What does that mean?  Corporations are business entities.  When Corporations are taxed, the Corporation simply adds the additional cost of the tax to the product produced; which, in turn, is paid by the individuals that ultimately purchase the product.  In other words, it is a stealth sales tax.  If a Corporation can’t pass the cost along to those who purchase their product, they must cut costs in other areas like laying off employees, cutting wages, robotics or automation – or, in some cases, deciding to produce the product in another country where labor costs are much less. 

So, if you favor higher taxes on Corporations, that’s fine.  Just understand that people (possibly you) will be paying the tab.

True Nelson 

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Bravo! Jeff Thomas Black, Re: Neil Goldschmidt’s Portrait Hanging in Portland Oregon’s City Hall.

Hard to believe, I know.

I don’t visit the City Hall in Portland, Oregon very often.  Actually, I haven’t been there in many years.  But, can you believe that a portrait of Goldschmidt (onetime mayor) was still on public display - really, a self-confessed pedophile?

Well, Mr. Black took it down (stole it) and reportedly burned it.  A public service that ultimately led to his arrest by Portland police.

What can one say about this?  What do all of our past and present Democratic Mayors and Commissioners think when they have walked by the portrait?  If they were to comment, what would they have said?  Oh, perhaps: ‘Well, boys will be boys.’  'Or, maybe, he was a good mayor - sexual deviancy aside.'  Yes, and in response, I would respond hypocrites ‘one and all’.

I don’t know Jeff Thomas Black.  I’m not sure of all his motivations regarding the portrait of a disgraced politician, Goldschmidt.  I just would like to say that the removal of said portrait was long overdue.  And, hopefully, there will not be a replacement forthcoming.

One other thing.  It is to be assumed that the Portland prosecutor will treat Mr. Black with a modicum of respect and leniency.  At least in my opinion.

Read my previous blog post for a little more information on Neil Goldschmidt.  See hyperlink below.

True Nelson

Background information on Goldschmidt

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Mother and three young children begging, a bitterly cold day, Oregon City, OR

It was a bitterly cold day in Oregon City, Oregon.  A mother and her three children were 'begging' (Is that too harsh of a term for the circumstance?) at the entrance to a local shopping center. One child was in a stroller, the two other children had to be under nine or ten. The mother held a sign. I can't remember the precise wording - something about desperately needing help. 
I was driving and it wasn't appropriate to stop. It made me kind of sad and angry at the same time.  What has our society become?  Our governmental and charitable agencies seem overwhelmed. Many areas of the Portland Metro area are becoming virtual cesspools. However, I digress.  
The woman... she might have genuinely needed help. But begging is not the answer. Where is local law enforcement at times like this?  No, I'm not suggesting that she has, on the face of it, broken any laws.  Well, perhaps, one might consider the mother's actions a form of child abuse. I don't know. Personally, I think it is humiliating and shameful that a child is subjected to this.  It breaks your heart to see that sort of thing. 
Again, where are our local police?  There had to be patrols in the area.  Said woman needs to be interviewed, helped.  And asked... Why are you out here in the cold begging?  What is your situation?  What kind of help do you require?  Are you being forced to do this by someone else?  And, if her answers are evasive or not forthcoming, I think Child Protective Services should be notified without delay.  


Thursday, January 24, 2019

Oregon Senate Bill 501 / proposed by Oregon Legislature Members Rob Wagner & Andrea Salinas

According to Hillary Borrud’s Oregonian article (1/13/19) State legislators Rob Wagner D – Lake Oswego / Tualatin and Andrea Salinas D – Lake Oswego are going to attempt to run through a ‘gun law’ directed at Oregon’s law-abiding gun owners.  I’m speaking of proposed Senate Bill 501.

Who are these legislators?  Well, you can look it up.  Both Wagner and Salinas reside in Lake Oswego.  OK, that might tell us something.  But, what always troubles me is that those who generally represent us usually have no significant work experience outside politics.  Moreover, I doubt if either has any experience or training with guns – which appears blatantly obvious in their proposed law.

In their rationale (the justification for purposeful new gun laws) they (Wagner and Salinas) reportedly met with Oregon High School students after the Florida school shooting.  And, undoubtedly those local high school students gave them their best ideas for a new Oregon law. “It’s really an important message that we listen to students.”  OK, I suppose.  But, there was no indication in the article that said legislators have bothered to talk to any firearms experts, law enforcement individuals or even a single lawful gun owner.  I don’t know if they own a gun, but one could probably make a good guess on that.

“The legislation would also require people to undergo background checks before purchasing or sharing ammunition and would limit ammunition purchases to 20 rounds within a 30 day period…”

“It would ban magazines that hold more than five rounds of ammunition.”  “The bill exempts .22 caliber revolvers and any lever-action revolver.”  (Not sure what constitutes a lever-action revolver.  I thought I knew a bit about guns, but don’t recall coming in contact with a lever-action revolver - an antique perhaps owned by Rob or Andrea.)

Said proposed legislative bill “would require people to securely store their guns and report the loss or theft of a firearm to law enforcement within 24 hours.”

“If the proposal passes, people… could face severe penalties… anyone who possessed a firearm without a permit could be fined up to $6,250 and sentenced to up to 364 days in jail.”

Apparently, some of the above proposed law’s aspects must have come directly from high school students.  How else can one explain their inanity and lack of gun knowledge?  On the other hand, perhaps I have underestimated the high school students and overestimated Rob and Andrea.


Almost all, if not all, of the magazines in ‘semi-automatic pistols hold more than five rounds.’  This demonstrates the lack of gun knowledge by Wagner and Salinas; and the complete disinterest in even doing basic research.

‘Background checks before purchasing or “sharing” ammunition…’  Question:  Did the people in Lake Oswego knowingly vote for them… really?  Sharing?  Come on!

Folks, if gun laws (like described above) actually get placed in law, brace yourself for the eventual fee-structured licensing of all guns.  License each gun, pay the annual licensing fee, or turn them over for destruction.  Is that where we are headed?

And, Ladies and Gentlemen, this will apply to all of Oregon, not just Lake Oswego.

Is this what the Second Amendment had in mind?  Have Wagner and Salinas even read the Second Amendment?  Do they care?  Doubtful.

True Nelson

P.S.  You can view my ideas for effective gun control - in the sidebar of this blog.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

What is the FBI’s FD-302 that everyone is talking about relating to the trial of General Michael Flynn? A Former Agent’s Explanation.

This format (the FD-302) has been used by FBI Agents for decades (since the Hoover era); and largely the rules have remained the same.

The FD-302 is little more than a blank sheet of paper.  When Agents conduct interviews; and they might conduct numerous interviews in a single day.  They take notes.  They do not normally tape record interviews.  Why?  Because if you’ve ever done a recorded interview, you probably are aware that they can become inordinately long, containing unimportant and irrelevant information. Resultingly, they are labor intensive to transcribe and to read.

Attorneys love to use recorded interviews, normally considered to be ‘depositions.’  Such interviews by attorneys might go on for days; and take days or weeks to obtain the final transcriptions, which additionally require proof reading and corrections.  The FBI cannot justify such inefficiencies.  If you’ve ever worked for the Bureau, you will know said organization deals ‘in paper.’  An investigative file might typically be volumes.  If all interviews were recorded, you could increase the number of volumes by ten, maybe more; making them impractical to read or comprehend.

One other thing you should know is that the Bureau always have had a ‘Five Day Reporting Rule,’ which reportedly has been violated in the Flynn case; but I do not know all the details on that.  Said Rule requires the Agent to dictate for transcription from his or her notes, the findings of a particular interview, within ‘five business days.’  During my Bureau service, you could, probably would be, censured for not meeting the Five Day Rule.

In recent years, Agents are required to keep their ‘rough notes’ for an indefinite period of time.  This was not true when I was an Agent.  Then, once the 302 was completed, signed (accuracy verified) by the interviewing Agent or Agents (as well as received a Supervisor’s approval), the rough notes could then be destroyed.

The FBI does, at times, record interviews.  They should have recorded the Flynn interview, but decided that such action would inordinately undermine the 'covert' nature of their inquiry.

They should have recorded the Hillary Clinton interview; but, as we all know, that would have been politically indiscreet – dare we say the ‘fix’ was in on that one.

Why was Flynn not given his Miranda Rights, as is often customary?  Well, normally, Miranda is not required as long as the ‘person of interest’ or suspect is, or believes he is, free to go.  In other words, Flynn’s was not a custodial interview.

And then there is Judge Emmet Sullivan (Flynn's trial judge):  Well, he really let his bias show (kind of embarrassing) in suggesting that General Flynn might be the modern day equivalent of Benedict Arnold.

But, isn’t it interesting that with all the news coverage most folks do not know what alleged law was violated by General Flynn.  Was it for lying to an FBI Agent?  Was it failure to register as a ‘Foreign Agent’?

That said, other than Judge Sullivan, I don’t think anyone is seriously contemplating hanging the General for Treason.

Incidentally, Benedict Arnold escaped to the UK; and lived (sort of) happily ever after.

True Nelson

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Advice to my grandchildren / ON VOTING / not this year, but in the future.

Maybe my grandchildren will be interested in these comments in 12 years or so; they are still in grade school.

Nonetheless, while voting is on my mind, here goes. My opinion, I suppose, is not for wide consumption – as my wife (Gamma) often explains. However, I read. I listen. I have had many life experiences that are relevant. I think I am fairly well informed.

What do my peers think of my opinions? Well, actually, I must admit that no one particularly cares about my opinion. Perhaps my grandchildren will care one day, contemplate... or laugh. Hopefully, not the latter. A knowing but respectful smile would be appreciated.

Boys and wee girl, this is Grumpy** speaking. Listen up.

Here is what I know...

On Voting:

When you are old enough to vote, you are actually too young to vote. You are not an adult. Your life experience is limited. Your brain is still maturing. Therefore, listen to your elders, those you respect, unless, of course, they are college professors (the opinion of whom is generally clouded by too much schooling and too little actual work experience).

Voting is usually about voting for the candidate you dislike the least. You should assume that both candidates are of doubtful character or worse.

If you have a choice, never vote for a lawyer. I've worked with lawyers my entire professional career. With a few exceptions, they are without any sort of moral compass. It is not their nature (or legal training) to possess such qualities. By profession, lawyers are solely motivated by money or personal gain; and they will readily join, support, lie for and defend any person (serial killer, fraudster, corrupt business owner, etc, etc.) if, that is, the money or their personal promotion is sufficient. Politicians who are lawyers are not the exception. They are the 'rule.' I once read that politicians have a lower public approval rating than 'used car salesmen.' Actually, I think that is kind of unfair – comparing a hardworking used car salesman, just trying to make a living, to a politician selling access and favors to the highest bidder.

Nonetheless, I encourage you to vote if you know a modicum of history; and have read the U.S. Constitution – particularly the Bill of Rights. I might also recommend the Declaration of Independence and the Gettysburg Address (which I was required to memorize in high school).

Don't be swayed by campaign rhetoric. It's mostly lies anyway.

While I'm at it, a few other requests from Grumpy: Make me proud. Study in school, work hard in life, live healthy lives, and conduct yourselves by the Golden Rule – 'treat others like you would want to be treated.' Have I always lived by those tenets? No... I'm sorry to say that I do have regrets; but you have a fresh opportunity to be better than me.

Oh, and always stand proudly with your hand over your heart when our flag is displayed and the national anthem played. Countless men and women have died to preserve that flag. Always remember their sacrifice.  What's that got to do with voting?  Well, if you are willing to stand for the flag, I will have faith in your good judgment when it comes to voting.

** Grumpy:  This is what my grandchildren call me. It is somewhat counterintuitive in my opinion, but still brings me joy.

True Nelson